About me
Hi! Welcome to my website. I am a researcher at the Strategic Aerospace Initiative (SAI) at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) led by Professor Jaemyung Ahn. I obtained a master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering at KAIST under the supervision of Professor Ahn who had been a thoughtful advisor during my studies. Prior to this, I completed my mandatory service as a research officer at the Aerospace Technology Research Institute under the Agency for Defense Development (ADD) from 2017 to 2020. During my service, I worked on autonomous mission planning algorithms for UAV operation in dynamic environments. I received my bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering at KAIST in 2017. As an undergraduate research intern, I participated in a Undergraduate Research Participation (URP) program at Unmanned Systems Research Group (USRG) led by Professor David HyunChul Shim in 2016.
My current research interests lie in the intersection between optimization, deep reinforcement learning, and optimal control theory. In particular, I am interested in data-driven approaches in UAV autonomy, intelligent decision-making and smart transportation systems, and have focused on tackling various vehicle routing problems with deep reinforcement learning.
Feel free to reach me at leedh0124 (at) kaist.ac.kr.